Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 day week (Thank goodness)

I would like to start off by saying thank goodness this is a three day week. Even though I had Monday off due to Veterans day, I feel like this week has just drug on forever. I have field day photos on Wednesday so I decided to re dye my hair to color correct it and make my roots and end of my hair match, got the dye, and then got groceries. How come when your going to get one or two things i'm bombarded by annoying overly helpful employees but when I go shopping by myself and pile one of those hand held baskets full holding down the gallon of milk with my chin not a single employee flexes a muscle in my direction to assist me. At least Roxanne was there to carry my pen and list. I know some of you are thinking I would have gone with you and pushed a cart, but honestly I would like store employees to do their job and help me I don't want to be a burden on someone who isn't getting paid to help. I tend to be a slow shopper because I always end up buying things that are not on my list. Anyway back to my story.....
So after my grocery adventure, I had to carry all of the stuff to my front door (my least favorite part). rested for a bit then decided to use the hair dye I had bought. So Sunday after getting to see my parents on Saturday and as my mom would say I got put back together, I dyed my hair. The box said medium to dark brown, I figured this was ok because when it faded my natural root color may actually match the rest of my hair. However....The box lied.....and now my hair is BLACK! NO Joke. yay me. So much to my dismay I have been washing it with the cheapest shampoo I can buy trying to get the color to tone down. I had mixed reactions today, someone said they loved it, someone else said I can't believe you died your hair that color, and someone else was like I guess it looks OK . Gee people thanks for making me feel awesome I feel bad enough that I know my hair stands out like a sore thumb. And need I remind you I have pictures on Wednesday. Yay me! so although I am disappointed with my hair, it is growing on me. Hopefully the pictures don't turn out too horrible. My saying for the week this too shall fade.
On a plus side Im looking forward to my horse lesson on Thursday because last week was amazing. My mare was actually in a good mood because.....she was given a friend in her pasture.....Horses are so weird Have a great week everyone! Happy Tuesday.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Highlights of my week

This last week was crazy, I had so much stuff going on I felt looking back- how did I even manage to get all of that done in that amount of time? I applied for a job with a complete Job portfolio, which hopefully I will get when I graduate. Gave two back to back presentations for a professor and college about Roxanne, our bond and Canine Companions for Independence. Gave My dog a bath on Thursday so hopefully she would be clean for the Fresno State FFA Cotton Contest on Saturday. Got a hair cut, and the Hair stylist was afraid of my dog, I've confronted this a lot. On Halloween I only got four trick or treaters. All four were afraid that I had a dog in the house. I had to toss them there candy. I don't know where this hysteria is coming from. On a happy note, a family came up to me in the parking lot and I helped this disabled gentlemen apply for a CCI Service dog on his laptop right there by my car! I LOVE it!
I am happy to say through all the crazy errands and trying on 12 pair of khaki pants my week ended awesome. I found khakis I can tolerate (no one likes them anyway) hosted with my committee members the Cotton Contest and we had no issues, except for the caterer forgetting the ranch dressing. At an ag event that is like gold. So needless to say we had some upset kids in blue corduroy. The event Started for me about 3 in the morning and was at breakfast by 6am, school by 7 and the day continued until about 3 in the afternoon.
Sunday I attempted to complete Homework some of it was so confusing, im bringing it to class to ask because I hate when you try to do something, do it wrong and then end up learning it the wrong way. I cleaned the house the best I can, among all the dog hair.
And now onto Monday! Have a great week, and always thank you for reading!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Barreling through another brick wall

Anyone with a disability or other types of challenges in life knows the brick wall theory. You have those days where everything that can be an issue is an issue. My days typically end up being a mixture of a brick wall and a sludge hammer.
For instance....as a person with cerebral palsy I extremely dislike the cold weather, makes my days more challenging as my muscles get tighter and more uncooperative. This cold weather (even though to some is not that cold) is painstaking to me. Your fighting muscles that already didn't work or want to work in the first place.
Think of it like what happens to rubber when it freezes-come on Hollywood gave you the ultimate cliff note! Fantastic four the silver surfer.
Well needless to say when rubber freezes it gets stiff.
So in fighting the not so cold...cold today I was actually in time for my 8 am class! My classmates probably think I was out the night before, when really its just a typical fall morning for me and I fought the temperature difference between my warm electric blanket and the cold air in my apartment. It takes me longer to get ready when it's cold.
Another brick wall for a Thursday is riding my horse. I love my horse, however my hips do not. It is common for people with CP to develop hip dysplasia in one or both hips. Unfortunately I am too young to have a full replacement, so I fight the pain weekly to do something I love.
Think about the things you pass up on a daily basis just because it's too difficult. ? I say we should face that brick wall with a sludge hammer and fight! (hypothetically)
Always fight those battles because my dad always said what doesn't kill
You makes you stronger. It helps me to think of those people out there that may have it worse than I do. Always remember for as bad as you think you have it someone always has it worse. I have fought to achieve so many things in my life, and for the most part was simply to spite those who said I wasn't able to. So in closing, find that motivation whatever it may be. And harness it. Willpower can get anyone through any obstacle, you just have to fight the good fight. I do know everyone has bad days so please don't think my life is full of sunshine and rainbows , I have bad days with the rest of them but it is how you choose to handle that bad day that makes the difference.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A typical Wednesday

Today I woke up to find my kitten Millie had been placing paper clips all over the house for me to find. That was nothing compared to the fact that my kitten...yes kitten .....has been chewing on the corner of my kitchen table. This is not a typical behavior I'm sure, so after having my classes for today I decided to go to petco and get one of those automatic laser light toys thinking maybe she needed some entertainment, but while there I got in a heated discussion with a lady (petco trainer) who told me that I shouldn't use a "pinch collar" on my service dog Roxanne because it was cruel, I nicely Informed this lady that this was a "prong collar" which had blunt ends and do not pinch the dog but merely applied pressure. I then told her that as a trainer I'm sure she understood the importance of providing the a dog with an effective correction. I discussed how my Cainine Companions for Independence trainer has provided me with this particular equipment because that is what will make my service team (Roxanne and myself) a successful pair. A service dog is not helpful if they choose when or not to perform a task, meaning if I drop my wallet and ask Roxy to "get"(command for pick something up) I would like her to do so and not be selective. That is what an effective correction provides. Roxanne knows her boundaries and knows acceptable behavior.
So needless to say I shocked this trainer with my knowledge of animal behavior.
I assure my readers that my CCI Service dog is well loved, spoiled, and cared for. She is probably the most spoiled service dog! I even put sweaters on her in the winter so she isn't cold when she lays on the floor in class. She is in no way mistreated by wearing a prong collar it is just what keeps up her public access and acceptable behavior during her training (a dog is never done learning).
I would like to thank CCI and Thier graduate seminar this past weekend for providing me with appropriate answers for this exact situation.
Please remember that the people that ask questions like this typically do so with the best of intentions. It is a good opportunity to educate the public as some do not understand the life of a working dog versus Thier pet dog.
And always remember you should never pet a service dog, or any dog without Asking the handler first.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hello Everyone!
welcome to my blog Life as I know it where I will be talking about my life as a College Student, obstacles I have and will face while living with Cerebral Palsy. My hope is that this blog will help to bridge the gap between the "Disabled world" and the "Able world". Most people fear what they do not understand so I will be here to discuss and answer comments to fill you in on my reality.