Monday, November 5, 2012

Highlights of my week

This last week was crazy, I had so much stuff going on I felt looking back- how did I even manage to get all of that done in that amount of time? I applied for a job with a complete Job portfolio, which hopefully I will get when I graduate. Gave two back to back presentations for a professor and college about Roxanne, our bond and Canine Companions for Independence. Gave My dog a bath on Thursday so hopefully she would be clean for the Fresno State FFA Cotton Contest on Saturday. Got a hair cut, and the Hair stylist was afraid of my dog, I've confronted this a lot. On Halloween I only got four trick or treaters. All four were afraid that I had a dog in the house. I had to toss them there candy. I don't know where this hysteria is coming from. On a happy note, a family came up to me in the parking lot and I helped this disabled gentlemen apply for a CCI Service dog on his laptop right there by my car! I LOVE it!
I am happy to say through all the crazy errands and trying on 12 pair of khaki pants my week ended awesome. I found khakis I can tolerate (no one likes them anyway) hosted with my committee members the Cotton Contest and we had no issues, except for the caterer forgetting the ranch dressing. At an ag event that is like gold. So needless to say we had some upset kids in blue corduroy. The event Started for me about 3 in the morning and was at breakfast by 6am, school by 7 and the day continued until about 3 in the afternoon.
Sunday I attempted to complete Homework some of it was so confusing, im bringing it to class to ask because I hate when you try to do something, do it wrong and then end up learning it the wrong way. I cleaned the house the best I can, among all the dog hair.
And now onto Monday! Have a great week, and always thank you for reading!

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